Tristan join's Creation Theatre for a rehearsed reading of "The First Quarto" version of Hamlet

The First Quarto version of Hamlet from 1604

The First Quarto version of Hamlet from 1604

Tristan will join a cast of 8 for a rehearsed reading of "The First Quarto" version of Hamlet with Creation Theatre Company in Oxford.

With Gertrude cast as Hamlet’s accomplice and many other unexplained oddities, audiences can expect a play that is quite different from the text of today.

There will be two performances, one on the 10th of June at Blackwells Bookshop and one on 11th June at Lady Margaret Hall.

The cast is as follows:

Claire Andreadis: Queen Gertred

Clare Humphrey: Horatio

Gavin Molloy: Marcellus / Voltemar/ Montano/ Laertes/ Guilderstone

Michael Palmer: Corambis (Polonius)/ Clowne Gravedigger

Tristan Pate: Centinel 2/ Rossencraft / Priest/ Foppish Gentleman

Natasha Rickman: Ofelia/ Second Clowne Gravedigger

Michael Sheldon: Ghost of Old Hamlet/ King (Claudius)/ The Player King

Chris York: Hamlet